Dirt Graphite Black H-146 Chocolate Brown H-258 S.H.O.T MAGPUL® FOLIAGE GREEN H-231 MAGPUL® O.D. GREEN H-232 Custom Camo AR-15 BENELLI® SAND H-143 MAGPUL® FLAT DARK EARTH H-267
This A&G AR-15 now boasts of its new “dirt” coating. When the customer dropped it off to us, his instructions were that he wanted it to look like it had been dragged through the dirt. So that’s what we did! With six colors and different textured materials, we can proudly say this AR looks dirty! The customer was blown away by the effect we were able to achieve which is all we can ask for.
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Swatches are aluminum panels sprayed with Cerakote for DEMONSTRATION AND COLOR REPRESENTATION PURPOSES ONLY. If you desire a testing sample please contact us at info@cerakote.com If your order contains an "Out of Stock" swatch, we will create that swatch for you, then ship your entire swatch order. This can take up to two weeks.
If all swatches are IN STOCK it will ship in 1-3 business days via 2nd Day Air.
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