12 Gauge Benelli S.H.O.T Waterfowl Semi-Auto Shotgun Ducks FS SABRE SAND H-33446 TROY® COYOTE TAN H-268 Duck Gun Highlander Kryptek Hunting Graphite Black H-146 Shotgun BARRETT® BRONZE H-259 Federal Brown H-212 LIGHT GREEN H-340 Franchi Hunting Shotgun Kryptek
Giving the customer's well-loved firearm a facelift and extending its life in the field in custom Highlander Kryptex.
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Swatches are aluminum panels sprayed with Cerakote for DEMONSTRATION AND COLOR REPRESENTATION PURPOSES ONLY. If you desire a testing sample please contact us at info@cerakote.com If your order contains an "Out of Stock" swatch, we will create that swatch for you, then ship your entire swatch order. This can take up to two weeks.
If all swatches are IN STOCK it will ship in 1-3 business days via 2nd Day Air.
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