Did you know you can coat pistons? Yes, you can!
Why? Reason being, you want to keep the heat in the combustion chamber and keep the cylinder head cooler. In doing so, you get the heat out of the cylinder head into the exhaust, thus yielding higher horsepower and increased engine longevity.
It's a ceramic thin film thermal barrier coating, designed to be applied on the top of pistons, top of valves and the combustion chamber on a cylinder head.
Cerakote is also used by several top fuel drag teams and piston manufacturers, and can tolerate operating temps of up to 1800*F.
This coating has been utilized in the field for a number of years, and is not 'new' by any means, we just want to showcase another avenue of the successful application of Cerakote!
Please find more product technical information at the Technical Data Sheet found at https://www.cerakote.com/finishes/V-136Q/piston-coat/
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Swatches are aluminum panels sprayed with Cerakote for DEMONSTRATION AND COLOR REPRESENTATION PURPOSES ONLY. If you desire a testing sample please contact us at info@cerakote.com If your order contains an "Out of Stock" swatch, we will create that swatch for you, then ship your entire swatch order. This can take up to two weeks.
If all swatches are IN STOCK it will ship in 1-3 business days via 2nd Day Air.
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